Monday, August 30, 2010

Black Tuscan Kale & Curly Kale

Hmmm...possibly TWO types of kale in one meal was a little bit OTT....but what made it really sad is that they both tasted pretty bland...and were really quite chewy. I know kale is generally chewy but if we eat much more of it I think we will all encourage oversized jaw muscles and begin to develop a Desperate Dan chin each!

It looks so pretty growing on the plot...especially the Black Tuscan - I suppose I at least have that as consolation. I will try the Tuscan again and cook it differently this time, maybe steam it a little then fry it with onions and black pepper instead of just plain old steaming. What a disappointment.

Little one wouldn't entertain it and asked "Are you sure this is cabbage mummy?"
"Sweetie, it's kale, not cabbage."
"Hum. Well, I don't like it." Scoops whole portion completely off plate and onto table. So that's a definate "no" then!

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